‘Method Club,’ a KBS2 fake documentary, showcased the raw talent of veteran actor Lee Moon-sik in its first episode. Lee, known for his impactful performances, faced off against acting instructors Lee Soo-geun, Lee Soo-ji, and Kwak Beom, who pushed him to his limits with unconventional methods. His intense emotional acting and confrontational approach created a gripping experience for viewers, highlighting the power of veteran actors. During a scene from the drama ‘Queen of Tears,’ Kwak Beom criticized Lee Moon-sik’s acting, stating that his ‘face’ hindered his performance, escalating the intensity of the episode. The episode culminated in a ‘Meisner Repetition’ session, during which Lee Moon-sik’s frustration erupted, showcasing his dedication to his craft. ‘Method Club’ aims to explore the lives and experiences of renowned actors and actresses through unconventional acting classes. The show features a unique mix of comedians, singers, and actors, offering a fresh and engaging glimpse into the world of acting.