The Comptroller General of Peru has revealed numerous irregularities during the ordinary admission exam for the National University of Tumbes (UNTumbes), leading to its cancellation. The investigation found that only one teacher was assigned to each examination room, despite regulations requiring the presence of a top-scoring student as well. This oversight resulted in students being unsupervised when leaving the classroom for restroom breaks. Furthermore, the report highlighted inadequate signage at entrance points, causing confusion for candidates. The exam was also marred by an attempt at plagiarism, further underscoring organizational shortcomings. The report also identified that the university had appointed two teachers to administer the exam, both of whom were ineligible to contract with the State. One of these individuals had been sanctioned by the State Procurement Tribunal for participating in selection processes, while the other had been disqualified by the National Civil Service Authority. These findings have raised concerns about transparency, proper public service performance, and the efficient allocation of public funds.