Pavel Durov, the founder of the messaging app Telegram, remains in police custody in France following his arrest. Authorities are investigating allegations that Telegram failed to adequately address hate speech and other illegal activities on its platform. Durov could remain in custody until Wednesday, according to French prosecutors. The arrest comes as France enforces its new Digital Services Act (DSA) designed to combat illegal content on large online platforms. Telegram maintains it complies with all relevant regulations, including the DSA, and that it is ‘within industry standards.’ The company claims that it is ‘absurd’ to hold a platform or its founder responsible for misuse by third parties. French authorities are investigating Durov for potential involvement in drug trafficking, money laundering, fraud, and child abuse offenses. He is also accused of failing to cooperate with law enforcement on legally authorized wiretapping requests. French President Emmanuel Macron emphasized that the arrest was not politically motivated but rather part of ongoing investigations. Durov, a Russian-born entrepreneur with multiple citizenships, including French, was reportedly arrested at Le Bourget Airport near Paris. Russia’s Foreign Ministry has accused France of denying consular access to Durov.