Pavel Durov, the CEO of the messaging app Telegram, was released from custody in France after being arrested on Saturday. However, he was subsequently banned from leaving the country as part of an ongoing investigation. French authorities had arrested Durov on suspicion that Telegram facilitated illegal activities, failed to monitor criminal activity, and shielded user data from government requests. A Paris court hearing concluded with Durov being released on bail, reportedly for a sum of €5 million. The court ordered Durov to appear at a police station twice a week. Durov’s lawyer, David, stated that Telegram is fully compliant with European Union regulations on digital technology and that his client is potentially at risk of being implicated in crimes committed on the platform. French authorities are investigating Telegram for its alleged failure to respond to information requests since February. In addition to the investigation into Telegram, Durov is also under investigation in France for alleged harassment of his son, and in Switzerland for alleged harassment by his former partner.