Jangsu County in North Jeolla Province, South Korea, is distributing agricultural support payments to farmers as a way to boost the local economy and recognize their contributions. The payments, totaling 600,000 won per year, will be distributed before the Chuseok holiday in the form of local currency vouchers called ‘Jangsu Love Gift Certificates.’ Farmers who have cultivated at least 1,000 square meters of land for two consecutive years and are registered as agricultural businesses in North Jeolla Province are eligible for the payments. However, farmers with non-agricultural income exceeding 3.7 billion won and those who have received other subsidies fraudulently are excluded. A total of 5,087 farmers are set to receive the payments, amounting to 3.052 billion won. The county hopes that these local currency vouchers will not only benefit farmers but also stimulate local businesses and contribute to the region’s economic growth.