The gripping BBC drama ‘Sherwood’ returns for a second season, escalating the brutal reality of a community haunted by the legacy of the 1980s miners’ strike. The introduction of the Branson family, a ruthless gangster clan, throws the already volatile town into chaos. The series delves into the aftermath of the strike, exploring themes of job losses, dwindling industry, and the rise of crime as a consequence. The Bransons, led by the menacing Roy (Stephen Dillane) and Anne (Monica Dolan), operate with a chilling casual brutality that permeates the narrative. The series critiques the systemic failings that have plagued the region, with a particular focus on the government’s lack of support and the rise of a cycle of violence. ‘Sherwood’ delivers a powerful indictment of societal neglect, while showcasing gripping performances and a relentless pace that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats.