Lights Camera Action (LCA), a children’s theatre group based in Bonnyrigg, is inviting young aspiring actors and actresses to join their weekly drama classes. The program culminates in a production of ‘Wally Wonka’ at The Pleasance Theatre in Edinburgh. Children aged seven and up will have the opportunity to learn about various aspects of theatre, including set design, costumes, script writing, and stage performance. The classes will be held at the drama department of Rosehill High School, within the Wallyford Learning Campus. LCA has a proven track record of successful productions, including ‘Santa’s Socks’ and ‘Peter Pan’ pantomimes. Currently, rehearsals are ongoing for a production of ‘Matilda Jr’ involving a cast of 40 children aged 7 to 17. The group emphasizes inclusivity, welcoming all children regardless of experience, and encourages creative expression in a fun and supportive environment. Classes begin on September 2nd, running every Monday from 6:30pm to 7:30pm. The first week is free, and subsequent weeks cost £6.50 per class.