The Green Party opposition in the Hessian state parliament is demanding answers about the dismissal of Lamia Messari-Becker, a non-partisan economic state secretary, from the Hessian state government. The Greens are questioning the role of a school attended by one of Messari-Becker’s children in her dismissal. They have submitted a list of 11 questions to Minister of Education Armin Schwarz (CDU), who is scheduled to address the issue in a committee meeting today. Economics Minister Kaweh Mansoori (SPD) dismissed Messari-Becker in July, citing unspecified misconduct outside of her official duties. Media reports allege that Mansoori accused Messari-Becker of using her position to pressure the school for a better grade for her child. Messari-Becker, a political newcomer, denies these allegations.