A new teaser for the Malayalam film ‘Bharatanatyam’ reveals a family embroiled in comedic chaos as they prepare for their patriarch’s 70th birthday. The film, directed by Krishnadas Murali, delves into the dynamics of a traditional family living in a rural ancestral home. The teaser highlights the comedic clash of opinions and personalities as family members grapple with the intricacies of organizing a large celebration, providing a humorous glimpse into the complexities of family life. The film features a talented cast including Saiju Kurup, Swathi Das Prabhu, Abhiram Radhakrishnan, Nandu Pothuval, and Salim Hassan, who bring these characters to life. ‘Bharatanatyam’ is a production of Thomas Thiruvalla Films and Saiju Kurup Entertainment, with Anupama Nambiar as the producer. The film boasts a stellar supporting cast including Sayikumar, Kalaranzhini, Sohan Seenulal, Manikandan Pattambi, and many more. With a musical score composed by Samuel Abey and lyrics penned by Manumanjith, ‘Bharatanatyam’ promises a delightful blend of humor, drama, and heartwarming moments.