The highly anticipated third season of the animated series ‘The King’s Avatar’ recently concluded with a thrilling climax.叶修 (Ye Xiu), the protagonist, leads his underdog team,兴欣 (Xing Xin), to victory in the Glory Challenge Tournament, defeating the formidable professional team, 嘉世 (Jia Shi). This win secured them a coveted spot in the professional league. Originally adapted from the e-sports themed novel of the same name by author 蝴蝶蓝 (Hudielan), ‘The King’s Avatar’ has seen immense success beyond its initial online format. Since its debut in 2011, the franchise has expanded to encompass various mediums, including print, comics, films, television series, stage plays, and video games. The series has also achieved significant international recognition, gaining popularity in countries such as Japan, where it was published by Libre, one of the country’s major publishing houses. ‘The King’s Avatar’ has also been translated into English and its animated film, ‘The King’s Avatar: Peak of Glory,’ has been released in multiple countries, including the Philippines, Singapore, and Japan. The manga adaptation of the series has also found success, consistently ranking in the top three on popular Japanese platforms.