A shocking incident took place in Charkhi Dadri district, Haryana, India, where a migrant worker was brutally beaten to death by a cow protection group. The victim, a rag picker, was suspected of consuming beef, prompting the attack. The horrifying incident was captured on video and has since gone viral on social media. In the video, members of the group are seen using sticks to assault two migrant workers. One of the victims died from the assault, while the other sustained serious injuries. Police have arrested seven individuals, including two minors, in connection with the case. The authorities and the victim’s family are declining to comment on the matter. This incident comes after the cow protection group created a scene in the slums the day before, accusing residents of preparing beef and handing over several individuals to the police. Following the murder, the Superintendent of Police (SP) visited the scene and questioned the victims regarding security and other concerns. However, the SP declined to interact with the media.