Car insurance prices in China are on the rise, with many drivers experiencing significant increases in their premiums. This surge has been particularly noticeable for drivers who have incurred traffic violations, prompting questions about the fairness and transparency of the insurance industry. The primary reason behind the price hike is attributed to a revised pricing model that takes into account factors like traffic violations, vehicle type, and driving history. Drivers who have previously received discounts due to clean driving records may see their premiums increase if they have committed any violations. This is because the new model considers such violations as indicators of higher risk, leading to increased premiums. While some argue that the price increases are unjustified, as drivers have already paid for their violations through fines, others contend that insurers are simply reflecting a higher risk profile associated with drivers who have committed traffic violations. Ultimately, the issue highlights the complex interplay between risk assessment, pricing models, and customer expectations in the insurance industry.