Researchers have developed an AI system that can predict the timing of catastrophic tipping points – sudden changes that push a system into an undesirable state from which it can’t easily recover. These tipping points can be found in various complex systems, including climate, finance, and even human society. While the science behind these tipping points is still poorly understood, the AI system could help us better prepare for the consequences of their occurrence. The AI system works by analyzing patterns in data to detect early warning signs of a looming tipping point. For example, the system might detect changes in ice sheet melting rates that could indicate an imminent collapse of the Greenland ice sheet, leading to significant sea level rise. The researchers are optimistic about the potential of their AI system to provide valuable insights into the future of our planet and its inhabitants. They emphasize the importance of using this knowledge to implement proactive measures to mitigate the risks posed by these tipping points.